And the precious name of Jesus only said twice.
But deeds are spoken of.
The wonders of "the Holy Spirit" are recalled.
The bravery of Paul the apostle is taught.
And the holy name of Jesus is only said twice.
But we pray at the beginning of church service and to close.
The worship songs proclaim we live our lives for our God.
The pastor picks up the bread and lifts it toward heaven, "We take communion in remembrance". He pulls the bread apart, small crumbs trickle down his sleeve.
I feel the church's pulse - remembrance of what? They ask with their eyes.
What indeed...
"...And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?..." ~Romans 10:14
We softly brush past other members in the pews to slide into the forming line. Some greet with smiles, some keep their eyes fixed on the bread and grape juice. We reach the elders.
"This is Jesus' body; it was broken for you. This Jesus' blood; it was spilled for you."
I meet the eyes of an elder, does he know of whom he speaks?
I sit down, dipped bread in hand. Sinking into the velvet cushion of the pew, I watch the procession going through the motions of communion. Yes, there are some. Some who remember their wedding vows and savor the flavors paid for by a bloody cross. And there are others. Others who look as if they are partaking of a mid-day snack.
And who can blame them? How are they supposed to know there is any significance to the food placed in their hands? How dare we ask them to take communion and leave out the story of Jesus' sacrifice! How dare we invite them to church without telling them of Jesus. The reason the church exists is not to hand someone a soggy piece of bread dunked in grape juice once a week. The reason the church exists is not to fill up the pews with people who are patient enough to sit through an hour and fifteen minutes of stories of people who were the result of God's grace. What is being preached is completely worthless if these people don't know why any of this matters. How dare we charge people to live lives for God's glory and to do incredible things for Him without equipping them with Jesus! The church exists first and foremost to bring glory to God and secondly to glorify God by bringing people to Him. The church cannot fulfill the very reason it was established if it is not founded by those who know and love Jesus. We cannot give what we don't have.
Who are we to think we have anything these people need! The only thing needed these people need is Jesus - why are they here? What draws them to this church? What probes them to come, worship, sit and listen? Jesus! We are not giving them the one thing they need. If we cannot provide this one thing for them we are purposeless. There is not one reason for our existence if we cannot provide Jesus.
"When Jesus went ashore, He saw a large crowd, and He felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and He began to teach them many things. When it was already quite late, His disciples came to Him and said, "This place is desolate and it is already quite late; send them away so that they may go into surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat". But He answered them, "You give them something to eat!" ~ Mark 6:34-37
A shepherd's job is to feed the sheep. The people are hungry. Give them something to eat.